Viva Barcelona

November is an unusual time to visit Barcelona. For the locals, it's dead in the middle of winter (cue puff jackets, woolly hats and gloves), though for this Brit, it was a welcome, warm surprise; though any climate, bar that of the Arctic Circle could be considered so, by a UK resident!!

With only a day and a half in the city (we arrived Friday afternoon and left Sunday morning), the race was on to do as much as possible...

Afternoon tapas?

(from top to bottom: fried aubergine with honey dressing, anchovies, pan con tomato, fried calamari, classic tortilla, deep-fried whitebait, fried chicken wings, all @ Bar Lobo: Pintor  Fortuny 3, T 93 4815346)

Casa Batllo?


Boqueria Market?


Part two, Sagrada Familia, more tapas and Ferran Adria's 41 Grados, coming tomorrow!!!

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